Letter from the Editors

Dear Readers,

Our initial meetings as the SCENE Magazine staff were spent brainstorming themes and ideas to resolve this issue around. We wanted to be thoughtful and intentional. I also wanted each story to have a sort of deep meaning, one that goes beyond the surface and dives deep into the humanity of each subject, organization, or group covered. Humanity is within the essence of all storytelling, I think. And in this tumultuous time in the world, many of us feel disconnected to the world around us and disconnected from one another. Living through a global pandemic that is still ongoing posed many difficulties. The world as we knew it was quickly changing.

The Spotlight edition of SCENE Magazine seeks to uplift the voices of those around us — those that make up our beautifully diverse CSUN and Northridge communities. Each story intends to connect the reader to the deeper humanity that we all possess.

The stories in this edition of SCENE magazine seek to highlight different members of our community that are often not in the spotlight, and the vital roles their work and passion serves.

We hope that each of these stories connects you with the individuals that make up our community.

Ryanne Mena

To the reader,

Welcome to SCENE Magazine, where we have prioritized our primary audience, the CSUN students, faculty, and staff. Taking inspiration from the unsung heroes that surround us all, our purpose is to spread the good and shed light on the people that have and continue to make this world a better place. We have written about the individuals and groups we admire that work hard to create progressive environments in all categories of life. We aim to spread awareness and allow CSUN’s students to have a look at the changes they could make personally, as well as throughout the community.

If you are like us, you have heard a lot of talk about the pandemic and the destructive events that have taken place within the past two years. There’s nothing more we would want to do than put these difficult times behind us. Even though it’s important to reflect on the tragic times, our focus is to take you behind the scenes of the good deeds and actions done by the people throughout our community.

Many thanks to the fantastic and incredibly hardworking SCENE team for taking the time to make sure our ideas came to life. We hope you enjoy reading the magazine as much as we have enjoyed making it.

Samantha Neff

Illustration by Carolyn Burt